I finally felt miserable enough to take myself to the doctor. Come to find out I have an amazing sinus infection! That would explain why it feels like someone is jamming ice picks in my ears and why my head wants to explode. I'm on rest, liquids, and antibiotics now so hopefully I'll be healthy as a horse within a week or so. It'll be nice to have a full nights sleep without sniffling, sneezing, coughing, or waking up from pain.
Work is... meh. I only worked one day last week and when I checked the schedule I found that I'm only schedule for three days a week for the next two-three weeks. I went from having a steady, 40 hour/week schedule to not knowing when I'm going to work and scraping up barely 18 hours... Under suggestion from mom, I applied for unemployment for getting my hours cut so drastically. I don't think it's going to work, but it can't hurt. I'm searching for another FT job or a second PT to supplement my hours but it's not going so hot.
Relationships are back to normal, for the most part. Nick got really upset when I started seeing Tim and as much as I tried to smooth it over as much as I could while keeping all parties happy. Well, as I'm slowly learning, I'm not Super Woman, I can't please everyone and make everyone happy. Right now, it's just about making me happy and doing what's right for me. And that meant telling Tim that we're just going to be friends because I wasn't ready to commit. I think that things are OK with us, Nick and Tim both. At least, I hope they are.
I now have my own car! Well, kinda. I will be driving Rob's car to and from work now and when I have the money I'm going to buy it off them for $1K. It's not my convertible (that my ex got in the break up =/), but it's a car nonetheless! I don't have the money to take it to a car wash/vacuum this week but when I get paid next week I will because it is filthy dirty! I can, however, scrub the insides, maybe today if I feel up to it.
I called today and arranged a debt rehabilitation program for my bigger loan that I talked about before. I'll be paying $55 a month for 12 months and it will be transferred to another collector at that time. After six months, I'll be eligible for financial aid again. After 9 months, it will come out of default and become current. This is good, great, awesome! I will be able to get into school next fall. ^_^
Let's see where I'm at two months after I initially made this!
~ I have found a job (the fact they keep cutting my hours isn't my fault but I am looking for another FT or a second PT one) and have not called in once (crashing into a snowy ditch doesn't count) even when I was feeling like death.
~ Apparently Laura's scale lies because it says I've lost 20 lbs when in reality the scale at the doctor's yesterday said I haven't lost anything. -_-;;
~ I have taken steps towards fixing my debt and will be able to get financial aid by enrollment next year
~ I found a school with my program close to home
~ Tooth is on hold until debts are in order and I'm back home
~ I'm kinda working on doing things I love. I have a few RP partners that I enjoy and I'm going to learn needlework at some point when I have the spare money.
~ Still kinda up in the air with this finding myself thing... While I haven't completely found myself, I have done an outstanding amount of growth in two months.
~ My spiritual side... Why do you always get pushed to the back burner... This one is actually going to be surprisingly harder than one might think but I AM going to work on it.
~ My self-esteem is slowly rising. I'm trying to put more thought into my image when I go out in public instead of just throwing on sweats and a t-shirt. I know that losing weight will really help this too.
~ Heh... The romance bug... @_@ It bit me, temporarily, but in my heart I knew it was wrong. Still swearing it all off until I am back to being ME.
~ I have my own car! Well, kinda. It's mine to drive around for now and I will be paying off Laura and Rob for it over time. And as of this fall, I will have my own place! Kinda. I will be rooming with Lance (again) but I won't be relying on a man to support me.
~ A friendship with Chris... I honestly don't think this one will happen for a very, very long time. =/ It is what it is.
I'll update again here in another two months or so to see how things are coming along! I think doing it this way will really help. I'm the kind of person who likes to SEE results, so writing it all out helps me to know that I AM getting somewhere.
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