Monday, April 29, 2013

This is a PSA Against Animal Cruelty

I love animals. It's no secret that my heart melts for all furry creatures. Torture to animals pains me more deeply than it would if it were to humans.

With everything that has happened in this last month (the bombings, shootings, stabbings, etc) my faith in humanity is damn near shot. But when I stumbled across this tonight, I was done. I simply cannot believe that this is happening IN OUR OWN COUNTRY! I know I hopped off the PETA bandwagon a long time ago, but I must call attention to this. As the proud owner of not one, but FOUR furry felines, I take serious offense to this and am deeply upset and disturbed by the things I saw and read in this article. The link at the bottom takes you to the webpage that has the video. I do warn you though; it is graphic.

Please, take a moment, read and watch this, send the email, and pass it on. We have got to stop this. Must. It is our duty as human beings, as compassionate souls, to save our critters from this fate.

Cats Tormented and Killed at University of Wisconsin-Madison
Experimenters at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have been conducting cruel and useless taxpayer-funded “sound localization” studies in which cats have steel coils implanted in their eyes, holes drilled into their skulls, and electrodes implanted in their brains. Sometimes, cats used in this experiment have had their ears cut off or are intentionally deafened by having a toxic chemical applied to their inner ear. The cats are then deprived of food for several days at a time in order to coerce them to look in the direction of sounds during experimental sessions in which their heads are immobilized by a bolt screwed into their skulls.
In the image above, is a gentle tabby named Double Trouble who was abused and killed in this barbaric experiment. In one instance, Double Trouble woke up while experimenters were cutting into her head. Following a series of invasive surgeries, she developed infections, became lethargic and depressed, started to twitch, and suffered paralysis in half her face. After the U.W. deemed the experiment a failure, the experimenters killed and decapitated Double Trouble so that they could examine her brain.
Shockingly, the federal government continues to fund this irrelevant and deadly project and has provided the U.W. with more than $3 million in grant money to abuse animals - even though researchers at other institutions around the world are already using modern methods with human volunteers to investigate how the brain locates and processes sound.
Help persuade the federal government to STOP funding cruel animal experiments and to put our tax dollars toward modern, humane non-animal research methods. You can assist by contacting the National Institutes of Health and urge the agency to cut funding for this barbaric and ruthless project:
(Putting your subject line and letter into your own words will help draw attention to your e-mail)

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