Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Yay for Being Spiritual!

Alright. So. This one is gonna be a short post.

One of the things on my list of goals for the year is to get back in touch with my spiritual side since I've fallen away from the path. 

With a little nudge from Tim, I've started back on my path. Yay! -happy dance-

I have finally, after over ten years of practice, chosen my patron deity. Or rather, I have realized that she chose me. For as long as I can remember, I have been inexplicably drawn to the triquetra (more commonly known as the trinity knot or the "Charmed" symbol). I have never known why, I just was. At an SCA event over ten years ago, I bought a triquetra pendent. To this day I have it and I'm even wearing it right now. While I love my pentacle that I've had for about the same amount of time, I've always been more drawn to the triquetra. 

Come to find out it's one of the symbols for the Celtic goddess, Brighid. The one that I chose. Or like I said, seemed to have chose me. 

She is one of the essential triple goddess in Celtic lore. She represents healing, learning, and inspiration. Brigid presides over births, women’s issues, healing the environment, helping with increasing courage, finding your life purpose or direction, protection, warmth in relationships, warming the body by the hearth and creating warm foods to be eaten for warmth and healing. She is a source for practical knowledge of herbology, hands on healing, and creative expressions of art. Brighid is also a guide in healing of the spirit and body. It is said that she is a sun goddess, which would make sense in my case since I draw my power from the sun.

Her being a Celtic goddess would also explain my fascination with everything Celtic as well.

Once I move and have my own space, I plan on rebuilding my altar from the ground up (I left everything I had in Florida four years ago so it's time to start over and start recollecting). 

This is really very exciting for me and I feel it's a big step into becoming who I am again.

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