Thursday, May 09, 2013

And then, sometimes, shit just hits the fan...

... and the only option you're left with is to leave the shit behind and move on.

Yup, that pretty much sums it up.

OK, not really. In a short, condensed roundabout way it does. There's really a lot more to this than I'm letting on, than I have been letting on for some time now. I'm not going to go into major details here; if you want the scoop please contact me privately and I'll fill you in. Otherwise, what I say will have to do.

I am moving back to Minnesota. Yes, I know I already told you guys. However it's been moved up... Like two days from now. Yup, Minnesota-bound Saturday night via mom's rescue service. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally stoked to be going home. However the circumstances at which this is happening are less than fortunate.

Living with friends is probably the worst mistake anyone can ever make in the book of friendship. Ayup, learned this the hard way not once but twice now. Third time will not be a charm because there will be no third time. Things between Laura and I pretty much took a crazy-fast downward spiral which ended in her saying "You need to leave and go home." Things have been tense between her and I for a while now. And then this week, there was a fight between her and mom. I took mom's side because Laura was wrong in her assumptions about what was going on (which made me question her conscious and character). And that was essentially the straw that broke the camels back. 

So now I sit in my room surrounded by boxes. I'm glad that I didn't have much packing to do like I did in Minnesota; most of my stuff here hadn't been unpacked so it's been a fairly simple task. However, with these recent developments, I have lost some things. It's like the saying goes: Two steps forward, one step back.

I no longer have a car. They refuse to let me take it and keep making payments on it (because apparently I'm the most untrustworthy person on the planet). What's worse, they refuse to give me back the money I had already paid on it, stating I owed it to them for coming and getting me in the first place (even though I was told when I got here that it was OK, that they covered it, and I didn't need to worry about it). So I essentially flushed $200 down the drain because she's too much of a bitch to do the right, moral thing here and just give me back the money. So now I'm without wheels and down a lot of money. Whatever, I'll talk to Chris and see if I can get the car we shared when he leaves. I also may or may not be losing my phone (that I've dropped a fuckton on already). We'll see... 

I know, I pick the best ones.

I'll be living with mom until the start of September when Chris goes to Detroit. Not optimal (since I feel awful for imposing on them AGAIN) but I'll be home. Chris will be allowing me "visitation rights" so to speak to the girls in the time where he still has them; I'm really very glad he's going to let me see them and such; I'm even hoping that he'll come by and see Snow too. Since this was all such short notice I haven't applied for any jobs. I'll do that today/tomorrow and hope to have something lined up within a few weeks. Thank the gods I have a full check coming in tonight and a partial one in two weeks to tide me over. Fuck man, if I would have known this was going to happen I would have just apped for the CNA course at St. Luke's next month... -shakes head- No use in regretting things we didn't do because we can't read the future. 

As for things with Laura, yeah that friendship has ended. The ship sailed and has sunk like the Titanic. I will tolerate communication with her via email/text for as long as I have to but other than that, all my ties with her are cut. She's been taken off every social list of mine I can possibly think of because it's obvious that neither of us are the same people we were two years ago when we became friends. I grew up, regained my independence and my backbone, and remembered who I was. She... let's just say turned out to be someone I didn't think she was. It's funny... I can't believe she doesn't trust me to even be in her home with safeguarding her belongings. Last night I went to collect my things from the living room (and as a stickler for detail) noticed that she had taken her D&D books and her entire Sailor Moon DVD collection out of there and presumably to her room. Dude, I don't like Sailor Moon -that- much and I don't want your damn D&D books. I have a whole collection that vastly outnumbers your measly two core-books at home that has been offered to me. Silly tart...

So I get to go into work today and tell them I quit. I feel bad not giving them proper notice but life happens, ya dig? Not much I can do about it except tell them I'll work today and tomorrow and that I'm sorry. =/ Hell I'm more upset about that than I am anything else in all of this. Hopefully I'll still be able to wrangle a good reference out of them, if I decide to use them.

And that's pretty much it. I should probably start getting ready for work and whatnot. Not that it takes me very long but it's not like I have much else to do; my desktop is surrounded by boxes and I can't get to it without moving everything (which will be tomorrow night when I force myself to stay up all night long so I can sleep Saturday and drive through the night).

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