Saturday, May 25, 2013

Murphy is Testing Me...

...and he should really quit it. I'm getting tired of his shit.

Man oh man, was yesterday an olympic test of my emotions...? Well, my everything really.

I first awoke to Snow. Dead. Yes, dead. As in no breathing, no heartbeat, dead. As I proceeded to freak the fuck out and scream like a banshee, mom rushed in and grabbed him and started to try to revive him. I called into work and kept crying and freaking out. Mom got him just barely breathing and we rushed into town to take him to the vet. He was in really bad shape; totally stiff and cold. The vet gave him a shot of penicillin and glucose, told us to keep him very warm and try to feed him, but that he was very skeptical that Snow would pull through. I ended up starting work at noon, keeping Snow's basket beside me. Over the hours he progressively got better and was moving. eating, meowing, jumping, and biting. He's not totally out of the woods yet but he's made a pretty miraculous recovery. We took him in again today for the vet to check up on him and see what all his sneezing and wheezing was. He has a minor sinus infection so we're giving him medicine every day for two weeks and it should clear up. On the drive home today, though, we stopped and got lunch. And apparently Snow REALLY likes bacon cheeseburgers because he dived head first into mine and started nomming away; it was very cute as by the end of it he was covered in BBQ sauce and cheese.

I finished my last day of training yesterday as well.I'm nervous about going live on the phones but my training coach assured me that I was doing better than fine. I'm really hoping that I can get swapped over to the day shift because the 12.30 to 9 shift is just... ick.

So after mom and I, along with Stephanie's boyfriend, went to pick up furniture for their apartment and some awesome comfy recliners for my pace once I move in. It was all well and good until it started to rain. Hard. And really cold. So after moving a very heavy bed, we picked up the other stuff and took it to the house. On my way out from one of the trips I slid on the wet stairs and came crashing down, spraining my wrist. I'm so tired of slipping and sliding and falling. I swear I do it once a month; it's ridiculous.

So we get home, check on and feed Snow, eat our own dinner, and sit down to relax. Mom goes to check her Facebook. Now let's rewind about 24 hours - mom realizes that Sarah unfriended her on Facebook. It wasn't a huge, there were no fucks given and I just kinda laughed. So back to last night. Mom gets a VERY long message from Sarah on Facebook, basically stating that as long as I was around she wasn't going to establish a relationship with mom and that would mean that when she and Chris got married and had a baby (oh yes, I did laugh very hard) there may be consequences. Mom proceeded to tear into her with a message probably five times longer (it took her nearly two hours to compose it). The whole situation has been a point of conversation since it all happened. I'm curious to see where this goes, to see how Chris reacts, what Sarah does, and pretty much how it all plays out. -shakes head- This girl... she's a fucking hot mess and obviously had MUCH different expectations going into this. We still remain steady in our thoughts that this has to do with her getting back at me. She's trying to take everything near and dear to me; she's got one out of three. She ain't touching the other two. I don't give a flying fuck if "we can bet that she's not going anywhere". Whatever, bitch. Get the fuck over yourself. You're not the hot shit that you think you are. And please, be afraid and frightened and threatened by me. It just makes me giggle are you silly notions that somehow you think that you will ruin me and be my downfall. Guess what, honey? That's a far cry from what you're doing. You may have taken the man that I love, but all you're doing is giving me the motivation, strength, and fertilizer to help me grow into the woman that you think you are but will never become.

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