Mood: OK
Listening to: Loreena McKennit Pandora station
Reading: Some Jennifer Weiner novel
Watching: Yu Yu Hakusho
Playing: League of Legends
Eating: Angel hair with marinara
Drinking: Water
Two weeks! I know, I know. I'm so bad about things like this. I keep seeing it on my bookmarks bar and I tell myself "You should blog today!" And then... I don't. So let's see... Where did we last leave off? -checks post history- Aha! Yes, yes.
You will all be pleased to find out that things are MUCH better since the last post. The heat wave came and went, then came back. We all wanted to die. It was terrible. For the duration of it, Minnesota (where I live) was the only place in this part of the world to be AS HUMID AS the Amazon jungle. REALLY!? THE FUCKING AMAZONS!? It was ridiculous hot. SO glad it's over. In fact, today we're sitting somewhere in the mid 80's. I even have a light blanket over my legs! How awesome. I can't wait for the fall to get here; it's my favourite time of year. Anywho! On to more important topics!
C AND I HAVE GOT BACK TOGETHER! -cheers and victory dances- Awww yeah! I was so stoked when he finally said yes. July 17 was the day. -sigh- So happy now. And things between him and I are actually going pretty well. We have our little spats every now and then, only had one "big" argument, but we talked it out and made it OK.
Family still drives me crazy most days. I'm craving to move out like none other. I can't wait to have our own place, to actually have a kitchen where I can put our groceries, instead of our bedroom, where I can cook, where my kittens can roam free, where it will be my rules. Two months... Just two more months. I've made a wishlist at WalMart to try and get people to help us buy some things that we'll need for the apartment. If anyone wants to be super cool and donate...! There's all kinds of stuff on there in all price ranges. Every little bit counts.
Job search is still turning up nothing for me... I'm frustrated with it, C keeps telling me that it's OK and that he's already prepared himself to support me for a while since the economy sucks and we live in BFE and have no vehicle. He says that I do my fair share by buying groceries, cleaning the house (which is just two rooms in his parents place right now), taking care of the animals, etc. I still feel bad though. =/ However, I have discovered this thing called TextBroker. Basically, you browse topics and there are sub-topics for you to write about. You get paid by the word; most articles will fetch you $3-7 apiece. I did two today, and got almost $9. It's not much at all, but I figure if I can do at least one a day and get $4 for it (and have it accepted), by the time we move out, I'll have a little bit to put towards it. Again, every bit helps.
So, I have embarked on a journey, and this time, I'm serious. I am going to lose weight and get into shape. My long term goal is 50 pounds. I have lots of short term goals, 5 pound increments until 25, and then 10 pound increments. C and I have implemented a reward system for me so that when I reach a goal, he'll buy me something. I'm pretty excited for it. It's going to be long, and difficult, and trying. But I think with my support network (him and a friend, L) I'll be able to actually do it this time around.
I guess that's all for now. Three cheers for victories, [somewhat, kinda, sorta] jobs, and goals!
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