Friday, July 08, 2011

Bouncing Back

Mood: Warm
Listening to: Country
Reading: -
Watching: Yu Yu Hakusho
Playing: LoL is having maintenance 
Eating: Nothing yet, lunch soon
Drinking: Water

So... That last post... I have since cooled down, quite unlike the last time I found out about C and another female. 
(Totally off topic, but I hate Times New Roman. I really do. I mean, it just screams "I'M SO FUCKING BORING!")

Anyways, I took time, I cleared my head, and then... I started planning. Planning what, you might ask? Oh, my dearies... I have grown much in the past few years. No longer am I the young, naive, prone to blowing up girl that I once was. No no... I have grown and matured and learned. Psychological warfare is defined as this:
"The planned use of propaganda and other psychological actions having the primary purpose of influencing the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of hostile foreign groups in such a way as to support the achievement of national objectives."

Let me rework that real quick... Change a word or two...
"The planned use of propaganda and other psychological actions having the primary purpose of influencing the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of others in such a way as to support the achievement of one's objectives."

Ah, much better! Now then. Now that that's out of the way. I think that we all know where this is going. And I've already set it into motion. C and I have a joke about otters and so I was on the ICanHazCheeseburger network the other day and searched for "love." I found a photo of two otters together and it said "Significant Otters," playing on the term 'significant other.' I posted that on his wall on Facebook and commented that "Aww, it makes me think of us." I also found another comic (this one on accident) of someone trying to play with their cats and the cats caring less. And then the next frame is the person sleeping and the cats jumping and running and playing all over the person and the bed. I posted that one with the comment "lol This is basically every night with us and our girls." 
Every few days, I will post a picture or two, maybe send a Flair, like that and make sure they get publicly posted. Because this R person seems like the type that would visit his page often enough, and none of my messages will be over the top, but just enough to make her wonder and question and doubt her place. 
Step one - Complete

And for C... I have already set that into motion as well. That day, before I went to pick him up, I took a long, hot shower. I took tons of time picking out the perfect outfit (my only pair of jeans, which happen to fit me quite well) and a silver halter top that gives mountains of cleavage and hangs on my figure very nicely), applying make-up, and doing my hair in half-pigtails (Misa Amane from Deathnote for reference). I looked smokin' hot when I left. And he noticed. 
Step two - Complete.

Also, I've been willing myself to have a more active sex drive, because I know that's of the things that he's put out about. I'm making a conscience effort to make sure that something happens at least once a day (providing that one of us isn't sick/hurt, the weather isn't sweltering, etc), including making sure he wakes up nicely on his days off. And he's noticed that too. Plus... I plan on using their "thing" against him... Whenever an opportune moment presents itself, I will respond to a command he gives me with something along the lines of "Yes, Master" or "As you wish/command" to see if that sparks anything. Anything she can do I can do better, right?
Step three - Complete.

And now, I just rinse and repeat. For months, we've talked about getting back together. But he says that I still have to grow and change my bad habits and such. This is sure to give it a big push in the right direction. And then... I can start the posting of lovey-dovey boyfriend-girlfriend stuff on his Facebook and I'll be set. I'm a territorial female, fiercely territorial. I won't hesitate to run out a woman who I feel is stepping over the line or threatening me.  Let her make one wrong move... Just one... And then... it's as simple as game, set, match. I did it once... no, twice. I will do it again without a second thought. 

That can't be the only thing that helped calm me down and collect my senses though, right? Right you are! C's mom saw a status on my Facebook that day that went something like "I wonder how people in history felt when the discovered something on accident that made them change the way they see things... Maybe like that sinking feeling you get that goes from your heart to the pit of your stomach." And the minute I got home from picking him up, she was like "You. Me. Mudroom." I set groceries down, told C and his sister that I needed to talk to mom and headed to go talk to her. I explained what I had discovered and told her about the last incident with K when we first started dating. She and I talked for a long time. She told me that C is just like his dad and he's gonna do stupid shit like this, and that if I'm devoted enough, I'll stick by him through it and one day he'll realize that he's been an asshole and apologize and reform. She told me to make sure that I keep note, whether mental or physical, of every stupid thing he's done (the incidents with K, S, and R, for example) because one day, he'll want to know how he's fucked up. She said that I should just keep quiet about what went on with R and let it blow over. It was in the past, and to let it stay there. And so I am. She's a saint, and helped me through many a hard time with him, and I foresee her helping me later down the line many a time more.  

So no need to worry, dear readers. I am OK and have taken care of things. Now.. to make lunch and satisfy the rumbles in the tummy!

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