Mood: In pain (bad sleep, pinched nerve or something in the neck/back area, and feeling sick)
Listening to: Random playlist (with, surprisingly, a bunch of good songs)
Reading: Dragonriders of Pern
Watching: My kittens sleep at my feet
Playing: -
Eating: Cinnamon roll
Drinking: Milk
Not really though. Friday's don't really signify anything big. I still have to get up to take C to work on Saturdays (not Sundays though!).
So uhm.. about my last post. Yeaaaahh... That was just a major meltdown on my part. I was just really upset and needed somewhere to vent so that I didn't upset C (even though the minute he walked in the room he knew I was upset). Things are OK now. He worked things out and crunched numbers and reassured me that (as always) things would be OK. And that once I start working, even if it's not until we move, we'll be even more OK. We're not going to have as much money saved up as we originally thought, but we'll make due. S'what Craigslist/yard sales/thrift stores are for.
So yesterday was C's day off. So we FINALLY got to play D&D, which was great fun. I found out that basically I am the cause of the whole plot. I mean, not really, but mostly. It's actually my twin sister that I never knew I had until some really weird guys in robes with no left hands tried to touch me and worship me and say that I was the anointed one. And then Kaen (C) and I basically dropped kicked them all (well, we punched them, but still). And then Jade (who's real name is Kalysto Tisiphone) found out all this HUGE stuff about Kaen's past that he never told her in all her 13 years of being raised by him, and now she's pretty pissed. Like... she pretty much blew up at him and was like "I can't trust you now" and he's REALLY mind-fucked because he found out he's the reason the world exploded (OK not the ENTIRE world, but an entire continent). And now Kaen is all crazy and depressed and doesn't know what to do, which is bad, because as mad as Jade is at him, he is all she's ever known and basically when he says jump, she asks "How high?" on the way up (he was a little rough and disciplined in her raising) so when he said "I don't know what we're gonna do" she's like o.O. Plus, there's Heather's character, who Jade DOES NOT like (wrongful accusation, albeit she truly thought it was me) who is stuck with Jade and Kaen because of destiny or some crap. So before Sunday (hopefully that's when we play again) C and I need to figure out what the hell we're gonna do. I specifically chose to play a child (well, she's 15) and someone not in a leadership position for a reason in this campaign (because since I've usually played a solo campaign or with C's two sisters, I've had to be party lead), but it looks like I'm going to have to temporarily take up the mantle of leading the party until Kaen regains some sanity.
So, uh, I think I'm getting sick. I've felt it for a few days now, but it's really hitting me. Developing a slight cough and I'm achy, and lack of sleep seems to be affecting me more than usual. Mehhh.
My goals for the day (after I eat breakfast and go back to sleep that is) - this bedroom is getting deep cleaned. It feels like there's SO much to do. I cleaned and organized the closet earlier this week, but now I have everything else. I'm probably even going to delve into the monster under the bed and get all that crap out (granted, none of that is ours; it's his parents and it's just being stored in here). So I guess that means I should eat and sleep, and wake up and get to work!
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