Saturday, June 11, 2011


Mood: In a lot of pain
Listening to: Nature
Reading: Dragonriders of Pern
Watching: My kittens cuddle each other at the foot of the bed and look out the window at birds
Playing: -
Eating: -
Drinking: -

Well, I pretty much did everything that I set out to yesterday. I cleaned the entire bedroom and swept it, organized practically everything in the room, did all the laundry (I left one load down in the dryer because I was in too much pain yesterday to go down and get it), sorted out my clothes and put aside things that I don't want anymore, made a few nifty discoveries while cleaning, COMPLETELY cleaned out under the bed (and boy, was there a lot!), and brought my stuff in from the mudroom to put underneath the newly cleaned bed so that wandering eyes and hands aren't tempted to go through it (not that *anyone* would *ever* do that...). 
I didn't quite get everything done that I wanted to, but I was forced to stop because A) I needed to shower and go pick up C and B) the pinched nerve in my back drastically worsened from all the bending, lifting, stretching, and other weird angles I put myself in to clean yesterday (especially pulling stuff out from under the bed). So last night after we laid down to watch the last episode of Law and Order: SVU last night, I had C work on my back. I'm not sure whether he made it better or not. I'm in a helluva lot of pain this morning from all the pressure he put on it and the pinch is still there. He also discovered a whole nest of crunchy bits (knots and calcium build-ups) in the muscles next to my scapula. And when he pressed hard and tried to work it all out, I was in tears. Literally. Like, crying really loud and really hard because of how bad my back hurt. His sister came to the door to make sure I was OK because I guess they could hear me all the way in the living room and den (over TV and Ventrilo). Yah. It hurts. A fuckton. A metric fuckton. So getting things finished today is going to suck... and I have to go grocery shopping before I go pick him up. 
On a bright note, after work yesterday, C bought me a new pair of scissors (/cheer!) for my sewing. The nifty discoveries I made yesterday? Stuff for sewing! A bunch of velvet scraps, two brand new boxes of pins, a few containers of pearl beads, and an AMAZING piece of pink satin (and there's a LOT of it). So I've started a project with the pieces of velvet. I have a teddy bear that C bought me the first winter I was here. When we went to the Ren Faire for my birthday that year, I bought a cute little baby jester hat. Well, I don't have a baby, so I put it on my bear and named him Master Evan (after this REALLY flamboyant, openly gay man I knew in the SCA). I've always wanted to make clothing for him, but never had the stuff to do it... UNTIL NOW! So that's what I started on after dinner last night. I finished both of his sleeves, and started on a pant leg. I've got those cut and pinned together for me to sew (I'm doing it all by hand), but I'm having an issue with the body suit part. And then the issue of how I'm going to put the clothes on him and keep them there. I'm considering buttons (because buttons are easy) but I'm not sure yet. It will definitely be a work in progress. And when I'm finished, I'll post it on dA and give a link here. And the pink fabric? Well... -taps fingers together like a villain- I have plans for that... That will come WAY later down the line, but oh, do I have plans for that...

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