Wednesday, September 02, 2015

August Journalception!

1. What did you have for lunch today?
Nothing. We were moving today and I didn't have time to eat.

2. What did you let go of?
The thought that I'd have my house in order before the weekend was up.

3. What is the one thing you want to accomplish tomorrow?
Getting the house in order. Making it to work.

4. What was the last gift you gave?
Heather's Baymax! She'll also be getting her industrial piercing next Monday and her self-defense keychain when it arrives.

5. The last time I exercised ____________________.
Hah! What's this exercise you speak of?

6. What did you create today?
A solution to separating our bedroom and living room.

7. What memories did you think about today?
Shopping, getting ready for, and going to college. Heather and I spent the day shopping for all her college stuff and it made me feel all nostalgic.

8. What is the last risk you took?
I don't normally take risks.

9. What made you compromise?
Today? Nothing. Recently, how the bedroom would be arranged.

10. Who do you look up to?
Jeanette mom.

11. On a scale of 1-10 my day was a __________.
Meh? Nothing really exciting happened today.

12. What did the last text message you received say?
April was telling me that she was going to be gone for a few days for the funeral of her uncle.

13. Do you owe anyone money?
Oh yes. Tons. Somewhere in the ten thousand range.

14. What is your own favorite physical feature?
Eyes or lips.

15. What was the worst thing you ate today?

16. I hope no one was looking when I _______________.
Totally fell on sleep on the couch on "accident"
17. How many miles did you drive/ride today?
Two, up to the store and home.

18. Who was the first person you saw today?
Chris, same person I see every day when I wake up.

19. What’s your biggest phobia?
A toss up between water/drowning and being alone.

20. What was your first full thought this morning?
Oh fuck, how did I sleep this late?

21. How full is your fridge?
Not particularly.

22. What was the last healthy thing you did for yourself?
Choose to get surgery!

23. What did you have to wait for today?
Dinner to be done.

24. What did you win?
Nothing recently.

25. Who had the biggest influence on your day?

26. What can you learn from today?
Overdrafts are fucking bad.

27. What was the highest point of your day today?
I didn't have one.

28. Did you pay it forward?
I can hardly pay it, let alone pay it forward.

29. What would you like to learn more about?
A lot of things, actually. Photography mainly. If I was more science-minded, I'd say forensics but most of that is so hard for me to grasp since I am not for science. Criminal profiling. Psychology.

30. What new TV show do you refuse to watch?

Anything Jersey Shore/Kardashianesque.

31. How much is a gallon of milk?
2.39 at Kwik Trip, but it's on sale right now.

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