1. Were you alone today?
2. Who was the last person you saw today?
3. What do you need to let go of?
A lot of things... =/ It's an issue for me.
4. What movie are you looking forward to?
I really wanna see Jurassic World. AntMan. That's about it.
5. I just can’t ____________________.
let things go and it's going to be the death of me.
6. Who did you text today?
7. Have you played the lottery?
8. A funny thing happened on the way to _____________________.
no where?
9. Name one thing you should toss right now, but just can’t.
Some clothes. Stuffed animals. Movies. I'll probably try to get rid of it all when we move soon.
10. What recently happened that made you proud of yourself?
Conceding and going to therapy even though I didn't want to.
11. Who did you see the most today?
12. Who inspires you?
My mom (Jeanette).
13. How much is gasoline per gallon?
14. What was your horoscope today? Was it accurate?
Honestly, I haven't been reading my horoscope lately, but the last time I did it was frequently accurate.
15. What are you most afraid of?
Being alone. Or drowning.
16. What’s the biggest thing you have going on?
The move in two weeks. Taking the first steps towards weight loss surgery.
17. What did you accomplish today?
Cleaned the house like a boss!
18. Did you act your age today?
I think so.
19. How busy was your day today?
Not very. Went to Wells to pick up a bookcase. Got in an accident because of a deer. Resting for the evening now.
20. What was the hurry?
Nothing. Today I felt like hell after the accident last night.
21. What is your address?
A yellow house in Blue Earth.
22. What do you wish there was less of in the world?
Stupid people.
23. What is stopping you?
Me. My medication. My illness. But hopefully that's all going to change here in a few months.
24. What were your chores today?
Tend to furbabies.
25. What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
Something on Melissa and Joey.
26. Who did you eat dinner with?
27. How did you make a difference in the world today?
I don't think I did... ._.
28. What is one thing you take with you everywhere?
My smile.
29. The last gift I’ve given was ________________.
A plushie Baymax for Heather to take to college.
30. What motivated you today?
A whole lotta nothing.
31. Who is your craziest friend?
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