Monday, September 29, 2014

September Journalception!

1. What decision do you wish you didn’t have to make?
I honestly don't know. The decision to make myself go to bed early I guess.

2. What are you questioning?
Nothing, really.

3. What was the most recent thing you learned?
That my neuropathy in my leg may be tied to my fibro.

4. Where would you like to go?

5. The last doctor’s appointment you made was because ___________.
of my pain, which led to getting my fibro diagnosis.

6. Name 3 things you should have done today.
Play D&D. Eat delicious food. Enjoy my birthday!

7. What is the last thing you felt guilty about?
Uhhhh... I honestly can't say because I don't know.

8. My life would be easier if __________________.
I didn't have to deal with fibro.

9. Does anyone owe you money?
Yeah, Lance and Heather, for rent and bills.

10. When is the last time you intentionally ‘wasted’ a day?
I don't often waste days. It appears that I do, but I'm either resting because of my fibro, or I'm enjoying my time doing nothing.

11. What is your favorite gadget?
My Kindle.

12. The computer I use the most is _______________________.
It's a toss up. I use all three of my computers about equal.

13. How did you spend your free time today?
Shopping in Mankato.

14. Were you stressed today? Why?
I'm stressed everyday. It's just become part of my personality.

15. What was the last thing you said to another person?
Love you, good night.

16. Who threw the last party you went to?
Uhh... I don't go to parties.

17. What went perfectly about your day?
So far, nothing.

18. How old do you feel?
A lot older than I should. =/

19. OMG! __________________.
It's Friday!

20. What pressure did you feel today?
None. It's Saturday and I didn't have any obligations.

21. The last gift I’ve received was ________________.
Shoes and a nightgown from mom.

22. If you could change today would you?
Yeah. I wouldn't have woke up so early.

23. I believe ___________________.
in me.

24. What do you wish you could have skipped today?

25. Were you in control of your day?
For the most part

26. What made today worthwhile?
Knowing that Chris got his promotion

27. Were you a good listener today?
I'm always a good listener.

28. I never ______________________.
cheated on a significant other.

29. Have you broken the law? How so?
Sure. I speed, I don't wear my seatbelt, I've ran stop signs before, drank and smoked underage.

30. Were you bored today?
I have moments of boredom most days.

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