Friday, August 29, 2014

And for a real post this time!

It's been three months, I know! I've been updating with you guys with my Journalceptions but I haven't really made any big posts about anything, keep for Vanquisher. 

Let's see here.. I did make it out to Detroit to pick up Chris and Winry (baby cat). On my way there, I stopped to see Sam and crash at her place. We stayed up half the night reminiscing about our wild days (wow, I'm getting old). >< It was fantastic seeing her; I really wish that she lived closer. But I made it there and we made it home in one piece. It was nerve wracking as fuck, driving while pulling his car behind us. Oh man, I was terrified. And we had to drive over SO MANY DAMN BRIDGES! 

And then we moved into our new house. I'll try to get the place cleaned up and post some before and after pictures at some point. We only have two rooms painted (bathroom and living room) but the bedroom and kitchen will come along whenever everyone has a free weekend. There are some things about the house that drive me crazy, like the fact that the hot water pressure upstairs is awful and takes FOREVER to fill the tub. Literally 20 minutes. By that time, my interest is gone. And when I shower, it's a constant compromise. I can have a hot shower OR I can have water pressure; I don't get both. Our living room is a bit small (though that might be because we have a monster couch). The stairs suck for me because obvious reasons. But otherwise, it's not too bad. Heather moved in with us today, though she'll be staying with Zach til she can get a bed.

I quit my job at Marketlink this week. It felt glorious. It was amazing, really. I played Final Countdown all day before I emailed my resignation. I am SO fucking glad to be gone from the hellhole. I, obviously, have a new job as well. I start next week with another, better work from home company; they provide customer service and tech support for various clients. I'll be working for Hallmark. I'm pretty excited for it. I have to work every weekend in December and one weekend each in October and November, but other than that, Monday through Friday. I can be schedule anytime between 11 AM and 7 PM. So it's a pretty awesome schedule. They're even sending me my own computer so I don't have to use my personal one! How awesome is that!?

I finally got a referral to a pain management doctor, that I'm going to see next week in Mankato. Now, granted it's not for my fibromyalgia, it's for the nerve issue in my leg. But I'm fairly certain that once they look over my paperwork and records and examine me they'll determine that I have fibro. Which is great, because hopefully that'll mean I can start getting some kind of treatment. One of mom's friends sent her an article he ran across recently in his research about how gastric bypass surgery can reduce fibro symptoms by up to 90%. Once I've been seeing this doctor a while, I'm going to bring it up. Losing weight is incredibly hard for me and this will help get over that huge hump. 

I have writing partners! Five of them! It's really amazing and I'm having a really good time with them. I found them all on Elliquiy. It's an adult roleplaying forum that has pretty much anything you're looking for. Currently, I'm running one WoW story, one modern supernatural story, and three fantasy stories. Aaaaannnnndddd.... Chris and I have started working on a new world for us to play Saidrym and Draekyn in. Yay! I'm so stoked about that. I'm having a commission done of them and as soon as I have it, I'll post it here. 

Oh, and I'm turning 25 next weekend!

I'm pretty sure that's it for now. So much has happened in the last few months. This year is looking up to be a good one, IMO.

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