Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The End of a Novel Titled Love

Friday, December the 26th, 2014.

To everyone else, this is just the day after Christmas. Just any other day. To me, this is the day that my entire life changed. This is the day that my heart was broken so thoroughly, I never wanted to love again, just so that I didn't have to feel this way ever again.

And this break up... this wasn't the kind of break up that blind sides you. Well, at first it was, earlier on in the week. And then, for four days, I walked on egg shells. A dark cloud followed me around, looming above me. The fear and uncertainty ate away at my sanity. And then on Friday, he uttered those words... "Are you ready to have a serious life talk?" I closed my laptop and set it to the side, looking up at him. I knew. He didn't even need to finish his sentence, and I didn't want him to finish it because I knew what was coming and I didn't want to hear it.

"You're leaving me, aren't you?" I asked challengingly. I wasn't going down without a fight. I would not be okay with this break up and I would make sure that I fought with everything in me to save it and change his mind, because if I took it lying down, I'd hate myself forever.

"I'm asking if you're ready to have this talk." It was a Friday night. I didn't work again until Monday afternoon. I'd have two and a half days to try and pull myself together and recuperate the best I could, because we all knew what was coming.

And even though I knew, it still hit me like a ton of bricks. Knocked the wind right out of me, and the words, because I sat there and stared at him, the only movement were my tears streaming down my face. And that's when he proceeded to leave me. He told me that he loved me and that he'd always love me and that I'd always be a part of the family. He told me that he didn't want to cut me from his life, that he wanted us to remain friends. Best friends, in fact. He said that once we were on the same page, but now days we weren't even in the same book. That we were walking two different paths that couldn't be walked together. That we made better friends than lovers.

My partner of five years just friend-zoned me.

I sat there and I cried. I begged and pleaded and promised to do better, to be better, to be what he wanted. I promised not to whine as often and to have twice as much sex. I promised him a clean house and a happier partner. None of it mattered though. None of my promises were enough to get him to stay with me. He had made up his mind to leave, and that was that. One of the reasons he stated for leaving me was my chronic illness, fibromyalgia.

Now, I have enough anger and resentment for my illness that this was the last thing I needed. But he told me that he was angry and that he was resentful and that he hated everything it did to me, to him, to our relationship and our sex life. He told me that some people are cut out to be the spouse of someone chronically ill and some are not. He thinks he falls in the latter category. He doesn't think that he can be as supportive as I need him to be and that he doesn't think that he can handle the strain it puts on the relationship. I told him that I'd find support elsewhere and that I'd take on more responsibility to make things seem more normal. No... that wasn't enough either.

And so I cried. We hugged and I tried to be copacetic. But inside, absolute chaos and pandemonium swirled in a storm of emotions, brewing just below the surface; not close enough so that anyone could see, but close enough that I knew it was there. When we went to bed, he told me that he hurt too, and that this was killing him as well. That made things slightly easier on me, knowing that the pain was shared, but not enough to calm the choppy waters. And so the next day came and all of my friends on Facebook wanted to know what happened. I told them, being careful to say that things were amicable and that he wasn't the bad guy in this; I would not stand any bashing on him that friends, girlfriends especially, are prone to.

When I woke the next day, I tried desperately to not remember all the things that I was trying to forget. Except everything all came rushing back to me and the puffy, swollen eyes and pile of tissues beside the bed were a testament that this was real. I knew that nothing productive would be happening that day. I sat in my recliner all day, listening to November Rain and Say Something on repeat. I stared at the house around me, the house that we had made a home. The house that was ours, that we had picked out paint colours for and painted. I thought back to the day we picked colours out and the silly arguments that ensued about him saying no to a pirate themed bathroom and me demanding to have pink in the kitchen to match my china. The flashbacks flooded my memory; that's the worst part, yanno. The initial pain hurts and eventually goes away, but the flashbacks, those are forever and there's no changing that. There is no convenient Men In Black memory device that you can buy at the drug
store to erase everything. And while the pain says that I would do it in a heartbeat... I honestly don't know if I would. I don't think so, because I have so many fantastic memories with him, and losing them would be like losing a part of myself.

And there's one thing about break up's that he doesn't have to go through, that he'll likely never experience and never know the pain of. That little nagging voice in the back of my head, the one that hopes and prays and wishes that he'll change his mind, that he'll say that we can work it out, that takes me back. Except that never happens, and that's a pain he doesn't even begin to comprehend.

I thought that I was doing fine the day after that. And then he came home and I was reminded that it all wasn't just a bad dream, that yesterday really did happen. It's like standing in calm waters and then being slammed by a tidal wave. The hardest part is waking up; when you're sleeping you don't think about the tragedy. But then... you wake up; that's when it hurts the most. It's the post trauma that hurts more than anything. It's knowing that when I reach over, the bed will be cold and empty, that I won't be getting text messages that say I love you, or goodbye and welcome home kisses. It's like starting my life all over again and having no idea where to begin.

And what makes this so much worse is that I can't hate him, I can't be mad or angry at him. Hatred and anger often makes things easier, but I can't feel any of those things towards him, because he didn't do this out of hatred or anger; he did it out of love. Sometimes, the hardest thing and the right thing are the same; this was a prime example of that statement. But that doesn't make the pain any easier.

I've told everyone that things ended amicably. And for the most part, that's true. We didn't scream or yell or sling venom. There hasn't been any snarky remarks, and there was only one bought of anger and it was over the truck's tires blowing and the ridiculous amount of money we (and by we I mean he) had to pay. The way that I've handled this break up has been immensely different from my break up's in the past; my age and maturity is definitely showing. I'm able to see life past the break up, past all the pain and tears and heartache.

But right now... all I see is red. Red for the pain. Red for the sadness. Red for the anger. Red for the heartache. And loss... all I feel is loss. Because I don't just lose him once. I lose him over and over again. I lose him every time I make your favourite meal. I lose him every time I wear that old raggedy sweatshirt of his. I lose him every time any number of songs comes on the radio. I lose him every time I think about his kiss, his caress, his embrace. I lose him every time I go to bed and want to lay there and snuggle while we talk about our day. And when I awake the next morning and roll over and stretch my arm out, hoping to cuddle up against his warm body and instead I feel the emptiness, I lose him all over again.

Next month and he will move out to the city he works in. Quiet will fall on our house without him here. Even though he only takes up a small amount of room, it will seem like there's a gaping hole. The first night will be the hardest. I have notoriously has sleep problems whilst sleeping alone and I already know that this is going to wreck me thoroughly. After you've slept with someone for five years, going back to sleeping alone feels... wrong.

After a few days, I've put some thought into the future. The person, or rather people that we pair with in the future are going to have to have great character. They're going to have to accept that our best friends are our ex-fiances and that we will not be made to pick one over the other, because they will lose. But more than that... I can only imagine how awkward it will be for them, especially at family events. But that's really neither here nor there right now; neither one of us are looking to jump back into a relationship and we don't even have anyone on the radar if we wanted to.

And another note in regards to the future... For those of you that have watched the now finished sitcom, How I Met Your Mother, you will be familiar with this, as Ted and Robin (two of the main characters) did this same thing the last time they broke up; in fact that's where I got the idea from. After the actual break up when we were talking, I suggested that if when we've both reached 40 and we're both single, we should get married then just so that we won't grow old alone. We made a pinky promise that if that was the case, we'd go to the courthouse the day I turned 40 and get married then and there. Now, clearly I'm not going to hold out and stay single for the next fifteen years because that's completely impractical and going fifteen years without the comfort of a mate just seems like torture. But it is a possible outcome. He laughed and said I better not be single at 40 because he probably will be. I too laughed and said that I'd likely be a divorcee housewife.

Right now, it's hard to come to terms with this and realize that it's real because nothing has really changed in the home. We still sleep together (in both senses of the word), we eat together, we still call each other babe and honey and some such. Nothing has changed except for our titles and monogamy to each other. But I know... when he leaves, that will be when the actual break up happens and when everything will become hard. Everyone says that I'm so well adjusted and I'm handling this fantastically. Yeah, well, once he's gone, the explosion will occur and I will act more like I'm going through a break up. I will cry all the time and at seemingly random things, mope around, sleep, go through bouts of anger, and generally be someone that no one else wants to be near.

But then... one day I'll wake up. I'll be in the middle of my bed, sprawled out, instead of huddled on my side clinging to the stuffed bunny of his. I'll get up and look around and see that I am in MY house, not OUR house. I'll make dinner for one instead of mistakenly taking out two plates and crying. All those butterflies in my tummy that died when he left me will suddenly be alive again, or at least ready to be alive and fluttering. As cliched as it is, the sun will shine brighter, the colours will be brighter, and food will taste better. I will have put my heart back together on my own, and that's something to be damn proud of.

That isn't to say that sometimes, I won't break down and cry and miss him. There will always be that occasional night where I'll sob until my pillow is wet, wishing and hoping that he'll come back and I'll lay in bed and cry as I listen to the songs that remind me of him or watch sappy romance movies because I know that things will never go back to being the same. And I think that's the reason why we hold on to things so tightly and why letting go is so hard – we fear that something so great will never happen again. And of course, there will be the second bout of heartbreak, the one where I have to watch him love someone else. It will hurt just as bad, if not worst, than the initial pain. But that too I will survive and may even end up friends with her.

It's going to be a long, tedious, tear-filled process. It will take strength and patience to get through, but I will, and everything will be okay. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

December Journalception!

1. Who is your best friend?

2. I really wish _________________.
that I could make my own schedule.

3. Who is the first person you saw today?
Chris, same as every day.

4. What memory do you want to keep from today?
There was nothing particularly memorable today.

5. How much money is in your wallet?
A handful of change. I spent all my cash this week.

6. What makes you sweat?
These days, everything.

7. What do you wish your job was?
Nothing! Nah, I like my job. I mean, it'd be nice to not have to work, but I like what I do.

8. What relationship did you nurture today?

9. What are you passionate about?

10. I realize tomorrow __________________.
is my first long shift since training.

11. Are you holding a grudge?

12. What was weird about your day?
Going to the salon...? It's not something I do often.

13. How much of your day did you spend completely alone?
Most of it, unless you count talking to customer on the phone at work.

14. How are you expanding your mind?

15. What word are you using too much lately?

16. How was your day today?
Great, up until the end.

17. What was the first thing you saw when you woke up this morning?
A pillow.

18. What are three things you need to do tomorrow?
Return the packing envelopes for smaller ones. Go to the post office. Pay bills.

19. What is the last place you visited online?

20. Today I chose to ________________.
spend the day with mom.

21. Were you a positive or negative person today?
I try to be positive every day.

22. Who is the strongest person you know?
Mom or Christopher

23. Who do you wish had been a part of your day?
No one in particular.

24. What is one thing you were told today that you don’t want to forget?
The adult version of The Night Before Christmas and Polar Express that we all made up.

25. What was your weakness today?

26. The music genre I listen to the most is ________________.
Pop, unfortunately >.>

27. How much did you eat today?
A lot of junk food. But hey, isn't that what a break up is about? =/

28. What’s worth fighting for?
Love. Love is always worth fighting for. Love is the greatest reason to live, the greatest reason to fight, the best motivator, the best reason to keep going. Life without love... is nothing; it's darkness and empty, a shadow of what things could be.

29. Today I felt ___________________.
annoyed and depressed, but it got better as the day went on.

30. Did you smile or frown more today?
Smiled. It was my and Chris' first friend-date.

31. What improvements are you making?

Trying to get my fibromyalgia under control and more managable.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

These are my confessions...

I'm tired. I'm so fucking tired. And I don't necessarily mean in the 'I need more sleep' sense, though that is part of it. 

I'm tired of hurting.
Tired of bad sleep.
Tired of random and constant pain.
Tired of not being able to do anything without fear of hurting.
Tired of having to rest after doing small things.
Tired of taking handfuls of pills twice a day.
Tired of asking for help.
Tired of not being able to do things on my own.
Tired of fighting.
Tired of arguments.
Tired of crying. 
Tired of feeling like a burden.
Tired of feeling like I've done something wrong.
Tired of feeling not good enough.
Tired of walking on eggshells. 
Tired of being scared.
Tired of keeping everything in. 
I'm just fucking tired of it all. 

I shouldn't feel like this. I'm so angry. I'm so upset. I feel hopeless some days, like I'm always going to be in the dark tunnel and that I'll never see the light at the end. I'm angry with myself, at myself. For things that are beyond my control. I'm fucking angry at my illness. I never fucking asked for this, and in my opinion, it's made me a worse person than I was. It has ripped from me too many things - my sleep, my movement, my mind, my well-being, my self-esteem, my sex drive, my normalcy, my dreams, my aspirations, my willpower, my motivation, my identity. 

I'm scared. I'm so terribly scared. I'm scared because I'm broken, broken beyond repair, and no one wants to be with someone who's broken. I'm terrified that one day it's just going to be too much for him, because he never signed up to take care of someone sick, and he's going to leave. He's going to get tired of me hurting, of my pain, of my fatigue, of my inability to perform basic tasks, of my need to constantly rest, and he's just going to leave me. That a younger, healthier, skinnier, prettier model is going to come along and he's going to upgrade and leave me alone, and broken. I'm terrified that the fact that our sex life is nonexistent is going to push him away. Again. It has got so bad that I have put heavy and serious thought into tossing my pain tolerance to the wayside and forcing myself to have sex every day, just so I can sate him. And then go and cry about the pain once I'm alone, behind locked doors where no one would see me. If I thought that would save my relationship, I would do it in a heartbeat. 

No one wants to hear my complaints, my fears, my worries, my troubles. And I understand that. Everyone has their own complaints, fears, worries, and troubles to deal with.  Taking on someone else's isn't something that others want to do. So I sit here in relative silence, and try to make everything look pretty and normal on the outside. And on the inside... I feel like I'm dying. I have everything that I listed before piling up inside me, threatening to spill out for everyone to see and I'm trying so hard to keep everything tucked in, keep all the pieces picked up, keep up the face that always smiles and never cries. 

These are my confessions, and here is where they will stay.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

November Journalception!

1. What decision are you glad you made?
Changing jobs.

2. Share some good advice.
Be the pebble, not the boulder.

3. What occupied your mind today?
Nothing in particular.

4. What was the best conversation you had today?
I didn't really have much conversation today. I spent the day drinking tea, sleeping, and watching TV, trying to shake this flu or something.

5. Do you love your job?
I do!

6. If you could get rid of one of your habits, what would it be?
Stress eating.

7. List 5 things you wish you had with you today.
I don't think I can list anything. I wasn't really wanting for anything. Except I guess antibiotics because of my sinus infection.

8. What are the achievements you are most proud of?
Becoming an independent woman, the woman I am today, because I fought to become her.

9. What gadgets did you use today?
All of them! Work computer, personal desktop and laptop, Kindle.

10. What shocked you?
When I got a call from a customer today and found that she was marked as deceased in our system when clearly, she wasn't.

11. What was the last lie you told?
Probably “I'm fine.”

12. What is your favorite cuisine?

13. What do you have too much of?

14. What do you want to tell yourself in one year?
Look at how far you've come.

15. What is your greatest strength?
My loyalty

16. Other than your clothes, what was with you the majority of the day?
My blanket?

17. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Desperate Housewives

18. What is bothering you?
Too many things to list. >_<

19. What inspires you?
Other people with illnesses like mine that keep on trucking.

20. What impression did you make on others today?
A sad one.

21. What did you give up on today?
Housework. It'll always be there tomorrow.

22. How did you play today?
I didn't?

23. How do you know?
Because I'm cool like that.

24. Name the last three things you used today.
Water bottle, pill organizer, Kindle.

25. What sound do you hate hearing?
Beeping. Beeping of any sort drives me crazy.

26. Do you feel appreciated?

27. My body is ______________________.
Constantly hating me.

28. Today I had too much ________________.
Food! But it was Thanksgiving, so it was OK.

29. What worries you?
My relationship.

30. What did you get to do today?

Saturday, November 01, 2014

October Journalception!

1. Who is the last person you spent quality time with?
Chris, maybe? I think? I dunno.

2. Who did you hug today?

3. Describe your day in one word.

4. How are you?
Today? Particularly miserable. It's getting cold so my fibro is acting out. Our heat doesn't work. I'm exhausted from crappy sleep and working; by the end of this week, it will have been seven days on, one off (that I used to run errands and go to doctors), four on. And I'm bored and jealous and feeling a little lonely.

5. Did you do more talking or listening today?
Listening. But that's most days.

6. How much is a gallon of gas?

7. What was the last stupid thing you did?
Apparently be the source of drama.

8. What’s the next book you are going to read?
Some Scottish romance novel I got on Kindle Unlimited.

9. What was the mistake?
Choosing the cheap, fast mechanic over the quick, expensive one.

10. What was the last gift you gave?
Journals to Heather.

11. What is your mission?
To be freaking awesome.

12. If others described how you acted today in one word, it would be _________.

13. What is your current bank balance?
$65ish dollars

14. Describe the last piece of furniture you purchased.
An office chair.

15. What time did you wake up this morning?
The first time, when Chris' alarm went off at 6 AM. Then again around 9:30.

16. Describe the last time you were embarrassed.
I honestly have no idea.

17. How did you improve yourself today?
I did my physical therapy.

18. How much time did you spend outside today?
Almost none.

19. In one year from today, what word do you hope best describes your life.

20. Who in your life is crazy talented? What is their talent?
Chris- writing. Morgan – drawing. Mom – advice giving.

21. What do you wish there was more of in the world?
Cheesecake. Everyone would be happy with cheesecake.

22. My favorite sound is _________________ .

23. What impact do you hope to have on the world?
I hope that I am remembered as a kind, compassionate, funny, and loyal friend.

24. If you made laws, what one would you make today?
I would make it so it wasn't so hard for fibromyalgia patients to get disability.

25. Describe your last life-changing moment.
Being diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

26. What opportunity are you waiting for?
To... get my hair done?

27. How many emails did you have today?
Maybe a dozen? Mostly junk.

28. What is the last movie you saw?
I honestly have no idea. I haven't done a lot of TV watching recently.

29. Are you settling for something?
Kinda... =/

30. What is standing in your way?
A lot of things.

31. What was the happiest headline in the news today?
A woman awoke from a coma and gave birth.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Living With Fibromyalgia, an Autoimmune Disease

So, for those of you that don't know, I finally got  my fibromyalgia diagnosis in September from the pain management doctor I went to see. It was a bitter sweet victory; I was finally able to get the treatment that I need. But the diagnosis meant it was real, and that I would have to live with this for the rest of my life. The doctors there have been incredibly accommodating with me. They started me on Cymbalta, which has helped. They've also given me strong muscle relaxants to help me sleep, and pain killers for bad days. 

They also prescribed me exercise (walking and swimming, if I can) and physical therapy. Now, I wasn't thrilled about the PT, but since everyone says it's going to help me, I went along with it. My first session was last week and they gave me six simple stretches to do. Even that made me sore and especially since it's getting cold, I'm having more and more bad days. So I'm just doing what I can. Yesterday, I went in to physical therapy and my therapist added five new exercises to my regimen. And while I was there, she pushed me -really- hard. The sore didn't start to creep in until late last night but when I woke up this morning, I hurt everywhere, worse than my normal fibro hurt everywhere. Which makes me not want to go on my walk. Or do my PT for the day. 

It's so fucking hard, dealing with this stupid illness that I never asked for. They say that movement will help me feel better, but how am I supposed to be motivated to get up and move when I feel like I was hit by a semi-truck in my sleep? And the fatigue doesn't help either because I just wanna sleep all the time. 

I'm so angry with myself over this. My fibro doctor has been fantastic with me and has prescribed me the Cymbalta, which is helped take my pain down a notch or two and given me more energy. But my scumbag brain converts this into, "Hey! You're feeling better! Let's go do all the things you can't normally do!" And then I feel awful and suffer for days because I pushed myself too hard. This has happened several times, and Chris keeps telling me that I need to slow the fuck down and stop overdoing it because I'm not helping anyone when I do too much and put myself out of commission.

I used to have this dream, as a child and a teenager even, that I was going to be the perfect housewife. I would be a Stepford Wife (or for those of you that share my guilty pleasure of Desperate Housewives, a Bree Vandekamp). The house would always be clean, we'd always have a home-cooked meal, everything would be perfect. And then I was struck with fibromyalgia and my dreams of that flew right out the window. 
And for the most part, I've accepted that things will never be the way they once were. But last week, I had a -really- good day. So I went on a cleaning spree and cleaned the entire downstairs of my house. And I felt AMAZING, because I could look around and see an empty sink, mopped floors, throw pillows and blankets where they should be, clothes in the hamper not the floor. And I was so sad... because I knew that this was never something I'd be able to keep up. That I will always have dirty dishes in the sink, clothes and blankets everywhere, dust bunnies and cat food on the floors. I felt absolutely dreadful the day after this, because there were several times where I told myself to stop, but that little nagging voice kept saying, "Just a little more!" So I kept doing just a little more, until I finished.

I know that it's irrational to be angry with myself over my illness. There is no one to be angry with over this. But that doesn't mean that I don't get angry with this, with dealing with this disease and everything that goes along with it. A friend of mine finally got to see two of his favourite bands and told me if they ever toured near me, I should take the chance to go. I told him that because of my illness, I wouldn't be able to go. My concert-going days were over because the crowds make my anxiety sky-rocket, the standing/sitting in the stadium hurts me, and the noise is just too much. I've come to accept most of these things; a common coping method for this is to just tell yourself that it would be just as fun as it once was, and to capture the memory of doing it when you were well enough to. 

For the most part, I do that. I fondly remember going to theme parks and wandering around all day long without any pain. Attending concerts and jumping and screaming for hours on end. Girl's night out at the Castle, dancing in tight dresses and boots until 2 AM. 

Now days, instead of heels, I get excited over slippers and house shoes. Instead of new jeans, I frequently buy sweat pants and pajamas. I've come to accept that I need to get around to buying an "old lady" bra to help with my posture. I have a box filled with pill bottles next to my bed, and a pill taking regimen every day, including an alarm to remind me in the afternoons. My friends and family know that they can't push me too hard and that they need to give me time to rest after activities of any sort rather than jumping from one thing to the other. Naps are a common occurrence around these parts and my housemates know that my chores will be completed when I have the energy to do so.

I have had to make huge life changes because of this disease. Chris and the rest of my family have had to make adjustments for me. Chris especially has had to do this; I know from watching my parents that dealing with a chronically ill spouse is no easy feat. It's trying on your nerves, on your energy, on your sex drive, on scheduling. There are a lot of things he's had to change, including his expectations of me and what I can and can't do. I can fault him for a lot of things and a lot of the time, he's a douchebag. But he's a saint for sticking with me and being there for me through my illness, even knowing that it'll never get better, only worse. 

Fibromyalgia has done a lot of things to me. It's changed me, it's made me have to adapt to a different lifestyle. But it won't take away who I am. If anything, I'm a stronger person because of it. 

I am a fibromyalgia warrior and I refuse to succumb to this war on my body.

Monday, September 29, 2014

September Journalception!

1. What decision do you wish you didn’t have to make?
I honestly don't know. The decision to make myself go to bed early I guess.

2. What are you questioning?
Nothing, really.

3. What was the most recent thing you learned?
That my neuropathy in my leg may be tied to my fibro.

4. Where would you like to go?

5. The last doctor’s appointment you made was because ___________.
of my pain, which led to getting my fibro diagnosis.

6. Name 3 things you should have done today.
Play D&D. Eat delicious food. Enjoy my birthday!

7. What is the last thing you felt guilty about?
Uhhhh... I honestly can't say because I don't know.

8. My life would be easier if __________________.
I didn't have to deal with fibro.

9. Does anyone owe you money?
Yeah, Lance and Heather, for rent and bills.

10. When is the last time you intentionally ‘wasted’ a day?
I don't often waste days. It appears that I do, but I'm either resting because of my fibro, or I'm enjoying my time doing nothing.

11. What is your favorite gadget?
My Kindle.

12. The computer I use the most is _______________________.
It's a toss up. I use all three of my computers about equal.

13. How did you spend your free time today?
Shopping in Mankato.

14. Were you stressed today? Why?
I'm stressed everyday. It's just become part of my personality.

15. What was the last thing you said to another person?
Love you, good night.

16. Who threw the last party you went to?
Uhh... I don't go to parties.

17. What went perfectly about your day?
So far, nothing.

18. How old do you feel?
A lot older than I should. =/

19. OMG! __________________.
It's Friday!

20. What pressure did you feel today?
None. It's Saturday and I didn't have any obligations.

21. The last gift I’ve received was ________________.
Shoes and a nightgown from mom.

22. If you could change today would you?
Yeah. I wouldn't have woke up so early.

23. I believe ___________________.
in me.

24. What do you wish you could have skipped today?

25. Were you in control of your day?
For the most part

26. What made today worthwhile?
Knowing that Chris got his promotion

27. Were you a good listener today?
I'm always a good listener.

28. I never ______________________.
cheated on a significant other.

29. Have you broken the law? How so?
Sure. I speed, I don't wear my seatbelt, I've ran stop signs before, drank and smoked underage.

30. Were you bored today?
I have moments of boredom most days.

Friday, August 29, 2014

And for a real post this time!

It's been three months, I know! I've been updating with you guys with my Journalceptions but I haven't really made any big posts about anything, keep for Vanquisher. 

Let's see here.. I did make it out to Detroit to pick up Chris and Winry (baby cat). On my way there, I stopped to see Sam and crash at her place. We stayed up half the night reminiscing about our wild days (wow, I'm getting old). >< It was fantastic seeing her; I really wish that she lived closer. But I made it there and we made it home in one piece. It was nerve wracking as fuck, driving while pulling his car behind us. Oh man, I was terrified. And we had to drive over SO MANY DAMN BRIDGES! 

And then we moved into our new house. I'll try to get the place cleaned up and post some before and after pictures at some point. We only have two rooms painted (bathroom and living room) but the bedroom and kitchen will come along whenever everyone has a free weekend. There are some things about the house that drive me crazy, like the fact that the hot water pressure upstairs is awful and takes FOREVER to fill the tub. Literally 20 minutes. By that time, my interest is gone. And when I shower, it's a constant compromise. I can have a hot shower OR I can have water pressure; I don't get both. Our living room is a bit small (though that might be because we have a monster couch). The stairs suck for me because obvious reasons. But otherwise, it's not too bad. Heather moved in with us today, though she'll be staying with Zach til she can get a bed.

I quit my job at Marketlink this week. It felt glorious. It was amazing, really. I played Final Countdown all day before I emailed my resignation. I am SO fucking glad to be gone from the hellhole. I, obviously, have a new job as well. I start next week with another, better work from home company; they provide customer service and tech support for various clients. I'll be working for Hallmark. I'm pretty excited for it. I have to work every weekend in December and one weekend each in October and November, but other than that, Monday through Friday. I can be schedule anytime between 11 AM and 7 PM. So it's a pretty awesome schedule. They're even sending me my own computer so I don't have to use my personal one! How awesome is that!?

I finally got a referral to a pain management doctor, that I'm going to see next week in Mankato. Now, granted it's not for my fibromyalgia, it's for the nerve issue in my leg. But I'm fairly certain that once they look over my paperwork and records and examine me they'll determine that I have fibro. Which is great, because hopefully that'll mean I can start getting some kind of treatment. One of mom's friends sent her an article he ran across recently in his research about how gastric bypass surgery can reduce fibro symptoms by up to 90%. Once I've been seeing this doctor a while, I'm going to bring it up. Losing weight is incredibly hard for me and this will help get over that huge hump. 

I have writing partners! Five of them! It's really amazing and I'm having a really good time with them. I found them all on Elliquiy. It's an adult roleplaying forum that has pretty much anything you're looking for. Currently, I'm running one WoW story, one modern supernatural story, and three fantasy stories. Aaaaannnnndddd.... Chris and I have started working on a new world for us to play Saidrym and Draekyn in. Yay! I'm so stoked about that. I'm having a commission done of them and as soon as I have it, I'll post it here. 

Oh, and I'm turning 25 next weekend!

I'm pretty sure that's it for now. So much has happened in the last few months. This year is looking up to be a good one, IMO.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August Journalception!

1. What did you have for lunch today?
Nothing. Lost my keys so I can't go buy groceries and my cabinets are pretty well empty.

2. What did you let go of?
Apparently my keys, since it's day three of them being MIA.

3. What is the one thing you want to accomplish tomorrow?
Clean the house.

4. What was the last gift you gave?
Chris' birthday present – a full set of Earthen Dragon Balls.

5. The last time I exercised ____________________.
Hah! I went walking with Chris a couple weeks ago. And painting rooms and moving is a work out. So a few times of the last few weeks.

6. What did you create today?
Mac and cheese! And I started working on an application while learned C#.

7. What memories did you think about today?
Hrm... I'm not sure that I did. It was a bad pain day and I was just focusing on getting through that.

8. What is the last risk you took?
Taking a new job.

9. What made you compromise?
Lol... drinking the last pop with Chris. And going home but only if he drove.

10. Who do you look up to?
Jeanette mom.

11. On a scale of 1-10 my day was a __________.
3. I caught a cold or something over the weekend so I've spend the day sleeping with a fever.

12. What did the last text message you received say?
I honestly think it was a text to myself that the cats accidentally sent.

13. Do you owe anyone money?
Oh yes. Tons. Somewhere in the ten thousand range.

14. What is your own favorite physical feature?
Eyes or lips.

15. What was the worst thing you ate today?
So far I've only had banana muffins and those weren't too bad!

16. I hope no one was looking when I _______________.
Totally snuck some of the mixed drinks before pouring them. Quality control! Had to make sure that they tasted OK!

17. How many miles did you drive/ride today?
Two, up to the store and home.

18. Who was the first person you saw today?
Chris, same person I see every day when I wake up.

19. What’s your biggest phobia?
A toss up between water/drowning and being alone/

20. What was your first full thought this morning?
“I still feel like shit. When is this flare going to end...”

21. How full is your fridge?
Not very >< It's kinda that time of the month when funds are scarce.

22. What was the last healthy thing you did for yourself?
Took vitamins?

23. What did you have to wait for today?
Dinner? Cookies to finish baking?

24. What did you win?
Uhhhh... Someone else paid for me to do my laundry?

25. Who had the biggest influence on your day?
My fight with Christopher as soon as I woke up this morning. Really put me in a pisser.

26. What can you learn from today?
That when I'm hungry, even the most mediocre things taste good.

27. What was the highest point of your day today?
Knowing that today, I quit my shithole of a job.

28. Did you pay it forward?
I can hardly pay it, let alone pay it forward.

29. What would you like to learn more about?
A lot of things, actually. Photography mainly. If I was more science-minded, I'd say forensics but most of that is so hard for me to grasp since I am not for science.

30. What new TV show do you refuse to watch?

Anything Jersey Shore/Kardashianesque.

31. How much is a gallon of milk?
4.50, give or take depending on where/when you buy it.

Monday, August 04, 2014

Ideabox Entertainment and Vanquisher!

This is the game that Chris, my boyfriend, is working on developing! Everyone please, please go give this page a Like and Follow and spread the word to all your friends! We need to get the word out on this so that when we start up the Kickstarter, we'll have lots of support! A million thanks in advanced!  

Ideabox Facebook Page

Ideabox Entertainment is proud to announce its debut gaming title: Vanquisher.

Vanquisher is set to be Digital Trading Card Game that combines strategic and tactical positioning and play choices with flowing TCG mechanics. Players will clash in 1v1 bouts that pit their deck building, play choices and wit against each other to determine a victor. Command units, summon equipment and possessions, sling magic, conjure enchantments and auras, call the aid of powerful champions and utilize their skills; whatever it takes to achieve victory on the war torn worlds of the Vanquisher universe.

As a Vanquisher you will choose to align yourself with one, or more, of the five elemental forces: Void, Fire, Air, Water and Earth. All while supplementing your force with Neutral aligned powers that any Vanquisher could choose to unleash. Each element will give you a substantial pool of cards that span all card types to build your deck, supplemented by as many or as few neutral cards as you choose. Will you be a purist and obliterate your enemies through the will of your favorite element? Or will you be a savant who combines the strengths of multiple elements to create your own unique blend of destruction. In Vanquisher, the choice is yours.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July Journalception!

It's a day early this month, but that's just because I could answer the last question a day early!

1. Were you alone today?

2. Who was the last person you saw today?

3. What do you need to let go of?
A lot of things... =/ It's an issue for me.

4. What movie are you looking forward to?

5. I just can’t ____________________.
I can't stop moving. Must keep going to get this house in order.

6. Who did you text today?
No one.

7. Have you played the lottery?

8. A funny thing happened on the way to _____________________.
Fireworks on Saturday night.

9. Name one thing you should toss right now, but just can’t.
I don't really think I'm hanging on to anything like that. When we moved at the end of June, I tossed a bunch of stuff that I didn't need or shouldn't be keeping any more.

10. What recently happened that made you proud of yourself?
Driving to and from Detroit without having an anxiety attack? I would say moving without having a nervous breakdown but I totally failed that.

11. Who did you see the most today?

12. Who inspires you?
My mom (Jeanette).
13. How much is gasoline per gallon?

14. What was your horoscope today? Was it accurate?
Honestly, I haven't been reading my horoscope lately, but the last time I did it was frequently accurate.

15. What are you most afraid of?
Being alone. Or drowning.

16. What’s the biggest thing you have going on?
Potentially losing my job >.<
17. What did you accomplish today?
Making a sale.

18. Did you act your age today?
I think so.

19. How busy was your day today?
Very! Work first thing in the morning, then getting ready to spend the evening in Mankato!

20. What was the hurry?
Not much of a hurry yesterday. Just kinda took it slow and recovered from date night the night before.

21. What is your address?
A yellow house in Blue Earth.

22. What do you wish there was less of in the world?
Stupid people.

23. What is stopping you?

24. What were your chores today?
Same as usual. Make dinner, do dishes, tend to furbabies.

25. What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
Something on Last Man Standing last night.

26. Who did you eat dinner with?
Chris and mom.

27. How did you make a difference in the world today?
I don't think I did... ._.

28. What is one thing you take with you everywhere?
My smile.

29. The last gift I’ve given was ________________.
The gift of mats to make pina coladas this weekend?

30. What motivated you today?
An epiphany about my novel motivated me to put more thought into the plot! The hard part is getting it out of my head onto paper.

31. Who is your craziest friend?
Hrm... Probably Samantha.

Monday, June 30, 2014

June Journalception!

1. List the credit cards in your wallet. 

2. How close to perfect was today?
Besides working sucking, it was pretty freaking perfect. Chris announced he was coming home, finally.

3. When did you last sing out loud?
Today. Every day.

4. What was the last gathering you attended?
Uhhh... Smores and hot dog roasting the night before Chris left?

5. Did anything make you sad today?
My illness and how it rules some aspects of my life.

6. Share a secret thought.
I hate my illness and I wish I could go back to the days where it didn't affect me.

7. List 5 things you wish you invented.
Dishwasher. Camera. Those awesome racks for shower stuff, because I hate shower clutter. Space heaters. D&D.

8. What’s the last recipe you prepared?
Grilled chicken salad with mom last night.

9. Who is your most reliable friend?

10. What made you lose track of time today?
Nothing. I usually have a firm grasp of time.

11. What are you confident about?
Today, not too much.

12. How did you do it?
Ancient Chinese secret. If I told you, I'd have to kill you. And that's messy.

13. What is the last purchase you made?
Breakfast this morning after my eye appointment

14. Did you show someone appreciation today?
Yes, I helped mom with dinner.

15. How many push-ups can you do?
LOL you're funny.

16. What are you looking forward to?
Going to get Chris.

17. What is your favorite dish to prepare?
Anything baked. I love baking.

18. There is no such thing as too much _____________________________.

19. What is the most important thing you were told today?
Be safe, drive safe.

20. What was the last thing you thought about today?
Oh my god, I'm exhausted and this floor is terribly uncomfortable.

21. What is the last book you read?
I can't even remember the name; it was some free book about vampires and werewolves on my Kindle.

22. What matters today?
Getting situated back at home.

23. What project are you working on?
Renovating the new house.

24. Without looking at the previous years’ entry first, sign your name.
Krystina Anthony?

25. What is your most prized possession?
That's a tough one, but if we're talking inanimate objects, probably my computer, followed by my Kindle.

26. Were you ‘good’ or ‘bad’ today?
Meh so far. One of those days where I'm feeling useless because I can't assist Chris with his game and I'm in the whole “I'm not -good- at anything” mindset.

27. What is the smartest thing you did today?
Give Chris a solution for the graphics he was working on for Vanquisher.

28. What was in your mailbox today?
Bevcomm bill

29. Today I was so ________________.
Tired and stressed, but that's an everyday thing lately.

30. The last thing I bought myself was __________________.
Breakfast – muffin, OJ, pineapple/strawberry cup.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Drumrolls, please?

Wow, where to start? I haven't made a real journal entry since... the end of March. Egads. That's a long time. Let me look over that entry to see what's happened since...

-Reading. Put on some music to keep your attention until I get back-

Alright. Wow. A lot has went on. My flare subsided, work hours went back to normal. Stephanie and I made up (she broke up with Richard-fuck and is going back to school next year to graduate). Chris did come out, just later than expected. More on that at the end of this.

Between now and then what has happened... Well, I had to replace TWO of my tires. One day mom and I were driving Heather to work and one of my tires blew on the highway. The other one was damn close. So there went 200$. That was awful. I was without a car for over a week plus that was money I didn't really have to spend. I finally swapped shifts at work a couple weeks ago; now I work 11.30 - 5.30. I think it suits me a lot better. I've noticed a general decrease in pain; not a whole lot, but a bit. We're gonna be moving in September to another of mom and dad's rentals. It needs a lot of work but in exchange for working on it, they're taking off the 400$ worth of rent for us. I've been in love with this place for years; I'm glad we're finally moving in. Bills are gonna go up, but we'll be fine. Other than that... I think that things have been fairly calm. 

Now, the part you're all waiting for... Chris' visit. It was fantastic. Amazing. Mind-blowing. Just spectacular. I had SO much fun with him. We went and saw Captain America and the new X-Men movie; both were great. We played D&D for five days with mom and had some great adventures, including shark-person sex (not me, her), drowning and falling off cliffs due to an unfortunate string of natural ones (me, not her), in-character religious debates (she worshipped Thor, me Loki), and other awesome stuff. Was a good campaign, which will lead to another in the future. We did a lot of talking about the past, the present, and the future. He was wholly impressed with how I've changed and grown, which was good. And yes, I know the question is weighing on you...

We totally had sex. Lots of it. It was fucking glorious. Dear gods, going 15 months without sex and then finally getting it was fan-fucking-tastic. Never again will I go that long without. Though it did remind me how fucking much I hate the issue with my leg because it doesn't like any pressure for more than five minutes or so, so that makes certain positions hard for me. 

And the REAL question that you all want answered... Are we getting back together? Did Operation Xaebel succeed?




Though, it wasn't immediate. When he was here, we talked about it. But nothing was ever set in stone because things could have changed when he went home. But then yesterday, he messaged me and told me to make the arrangements, that he was coming home as soon as I could come get him. I was so happy I was shaking. So I'm in the process of trying to scrounge up the money to drive out there and pick him and Winry (his kitten) up and bring him home, which isn't the easiest feat. On that note... if anyone wants to donate to the fund... my PayPay email is lovelikewynter@live.com. >.>

So things are finally looking up. This is good. It took long enough.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

May's Journalception

I will have an actual post about this month and the events that occurred. I've just been really stressed out the last few days and have been trying to sort out my feelings and such. In the mean time, enjoy my journalception for this month of May!

1. Who was kind to you today?
Uhh, I dunno. Lance gave me a donut?

2. Who is the last person you spoke with?
A customer at work. I talk to a lot of those every day.

3. What makes you feel alive?
Crying. It's not supposed to be emo or anything. But crying reminds you that you can still feel and that you care.

4. The store I frequent the most is _________________________.

5. How did you relax today?
I played WoW with my best friend.

6. Describe your favorite pair of shoes you own now.
I don't have a favourite.

7. What rule had the most impact on your day?
Stupid advanced make up hours at work.

8. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
One pair of flip flops, one pair of snow boots, one pair of clogs.

9. Today I lost __________________.
Money, due to someone stealing my card number.

10. I really wish ___________ hadn’t been invented.
I'm really not sure. I like most things that have been invented.

11. What’s the most expensive thing you own that you can carry?
My Kindle

12. How much money is in your wallet right now?

13. Why was today unique?
It wasn't really

14. What did you leave undone today?

15. Today the weather was _________________________.
Cold and rainy

16. What was in your email today?
Junk mostly
17. What do you wish you had said today?
I love you.

18. What was the biggest decision you made today?
That I wanted him back for sure 100%

19. What are you waiting for?
Chris to finally just say he's coming home for good

20. What is the prevailing truth about your day.
That Chris' girlfriend is a needy, clingy, ungrateful bitch.

21. What is the last thing you settled for?
I don't settle for anything.

22. Describe your day in a six word sentence.
I spent the day in bed.

23. What was the last thing that hurt you?
Physically? Walking to the bank in flip-flops. Now I have blisters. Emotionally? Knowing Chris is leaving on Sunday.

24. Did you use your time wisely today?
Not really. We laid in bed all day. Well actually, kinda. I cooked and baked a lot.

25. Did you have a dream last night? Describe it.
Yeah, of somehow convincing Chris to not leave.

26. Where do you wish you were?
With Chris.

27. What music did you hear today?
Lots, actually! I had my library playing during raid so everything from Tim McGraw to Red Hot Chili Peppers to Pitbull!

28. What did you have the most fun doing today?
Brainstorming for Faewynd, Chris' ideabox game design stuff

29. What do you love most about what you get to do every day? |
Design where things are going in the new house.

30. What hobbies do you have?
WoW, writing, cooking

31. What was the lowest point of your day?
Not being able to sleep in on my day off.