The Beast is my Dodge Durango. She is my pride and joy. This is the first car that I bought all on my own without the help of a parent, an inheritance check, or a significant other. I love my truck to pieces and I can hardly afford my bills, let alone to buy a new car. And since my credit is wrecked, I can't apply for a loan.
The front axle on the Beast broke completely today. This is going to be a really big fix, in addition to all the other problems that I was planning on getting worked on. I only have a few hundred dollars in my savings, and that's not going to cover this.
Anything that you can spare will help me. The more, the better, obviously, but anything will help. With my illness, having a vehicle is paramount for me to be able to get back and forth to my doctor's, to pick up prescriptions, and to run the errands that I need to that I can't do on foot. Plus, living in rural Minnesota doesn't give me the option of public transit.
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