Thursday, November 21, 2013

Anyway Friend

This post isn't really an update or anything like the last ones. It's just a little something that I wanted to get out there.

"An Anyway Friend is the one person in your life who no matter what they say or do, no matter what they've been through with you, they love you anyway. No matter how old you are or your responsibilities, if you have love, real unconditional love, you can make it." -Sam Bennett 

All of  us have our personal anyway friend. For most people, I would venture to guess that it's your spouse. Which is great. Your spouse should be your best friend. 

But this quote has made me do some thinking about who my anyway friend is. Sure I have people that I'm friends with and people that I know and can randomly vent to and they can do the same. I think about how many friends I had while I was in school, compared to what I have now. I think about how many friendships ended, my own and others around me, over stupid things. As I've grown older, I've realized that most of those "friendships" I had in school weren't actually friends. Or they were, but they wouldn't be nowadays. Being friends as an adults is different than it is as a teenager. Point in case, my former friend, Laura. The type of friendship that she wanted was one of a, for lack of a better word, juvenile nature. And I was ready to move on from that. It is what it is and there's nothing that can be changed about it now. 

Someone once said that it’s our loved ones that hurt us the most. While it’s true, I hate it. I can’t believe how selfish we can be that we don’t see how much we hurt people. It’s too easy to snap at our family and our friends and play it off as, “they understand, they’re just seeing the real me". And don't get me wrong, I have my fair share of doing this. I once had (it's a flaw I'm working on) severe anger misplacement issues. I would be mad at work so I'd come home and sling my anger to my significant other or my family. And when I was on the receiving end of it, it hurt. I felt like I had done something wrong or messed up. 

The point of all this is, we should really step back and figure out who our anyway friend is. Let’s face it, that anyway friend may very well become your spouse, your companion, your partner for life. So we better learn how to do our best by them now or one day, they'll realize that while they've been there for you anyway, but you haven't.

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