Sunday, November 30, 2014

November Journalception!

1. What decision are you glad you made?
Changing jobs.

2. Share some good advice.
Be the pebble, not the boulder.

3. What occupied your mind today?
Nothing in particular.

4. What was the best conversation you had today?
I didn't really have much conversation today. I spent the day drinking tea, sleeping, and watching TV, trying to shake this flu or something.

5. Do you love your job?
I do!

6. If you could get rid of one of your habits, what would it be?
Stress eating.

7. List 5 things you wish you had with you today.
I don't think I can list anything. I wasn't really wanting for anything. Except I guess antibiotics because of my sinus infection.

8. What are the achievements you are most proud of?
Becoming an independent woman, the woman I am today, because I fought to become her.

9. What gadgets did you use today?
All of them! Work computer, personal desktop and laptop, Kindle.

10. What shocked you?
When I got a call from a customer today and found that she was marked as deceased in our system when clearly, she wasn't.

11. What was the last lie you told?
Probably “I'm fine.”

12. What is your favorite cuisine?

13. What do you have too much of?

14. What do you want to tell yourself in one year?
Look at how far you've come.

15. What is your greatest strength?
My loyalty

16. Other than your clothes, what was with you the majority of the day?
My blanket?

17. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Desperate Housewives

18. What is bothering you?
Too many things to list. >_<

19. What inspires you?
Other people with illnesses like mine that keep on trucking.

20. What impression did you make on others today?
A sad one.

21. What did you give up on today?
Housework. It'll always be there tomorrow.

22. How did you play today?
I didn't?

23. How do you know?
Because I'm cool like that.

24. Name the last three things you used today.
Water bottle, pill organizer, Kindle.

25. What sound do you hate hearing?
Beeping. Beeping of any sort drives me crazy.

26. Do you feel appreciated?

27. My body is ______________________.
Constantly hating me.

28. Today I had too much ________________.
Food! But it was Thanksgiving, so it was OK.

29. What worries you?
My relationship.

30. What did you get to do today?

Saturday, November 01, 2014

October Journalception!

1. Who is the last person you spent quality time with?
Chris, maybe? I think? I dunno.

2. Who did you hug today?

3. Describe your day in one word.

4. How are you?
Today? Particularly miserable. It's getting cold so my fibro is acting out. Our heat doesn't work. I'm exhausted from crappy sleep and working; by the end of this week, it will have been seven days on, one off (that I used to run errands and go to doctors), four on. And I'm bored and jealous and feeling a little lonely.

5. Did you do more talking or listening today?
Listening. But that's most days.

6. How much is a gallon of gas?

7. What was the last stupid thing you did?
Apparently be the source of drama.

8. What’s the next book you are going to read?
Some Scottish romance novel I got on Kindle Unlimited.

9. What was the mistake?
Choosing the cheap, fast mechanic over the quick, expensive one.

10. What was the last gift you gave?
Journals to Heather.

11. What is your mission?
To be freaking awesome.

12. If others described how you acted today in one word, it would be _________.

13. What is your current bank balance?
$65ish dollars

14. Describe the last piece of furniture you purchased.
An office chair.

15. What time did you wake up this morning?
The first time, when Chris' alarm went off at 6 AM. Then again around 9:30.

16. Describe the last time you were embarrassed.
I honestly have no idea.

17. How did you improve yourself today?
I did my physical therapy.

18. How much time did you spend outside today?
Almost none.

19. In one year from today, what word do you hope best describes your life.

20. Who in your life is crazy talented? What is their talent?
Chris- writing. Morgan – drawing. Mom – advice giving.

21. What do you wish there was more of in the world?
Cheesecake. Everyone would be happy with cheesecake.

22. My favorite sound is _________________ .

23. What impact do you hope to have on the world?
I hope that I am remembered as a kind, compassionate, funny, and loyal friend.

24. If you made laws, what one would you make today?
I would make it so it wasn't so hard for fibromyalgia patients to get disability.

25. Describe your last life-changing moment.
Being diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

26. What opportunity are you waiting for?
To... get my hair done?

27. How many emails did you have today?
Maybe a dozen? Mostly junk.

28. What is the last movie you saw?
I honestly have no idea. I haven't done a lot of TV watching recently.

29. Are you settling for something?
Kinda... =/

30. What is standing in your way?
A lot of things.

31. What was the happiest headline in the news today?
A woman awoke from a coma and gave birth.