Monday, September 30, 2013

-peeks out-

You... you guys still here? I mean... I know I was gone a long time... I mean, I haven't been -gone-; I just haven't been -here-. 

OK SO I FORGOT ABOUT YOU GUYS. STOP GIVING ME THAT ACCUSATORY STARE. Gawd... I see the bookmark on my bar everyday and I say "I should blog" and then... I don't.

So, looking back at my last entry... Jeebus, so much has happened. Maybe it's just better if I make a bullet list and go from there.

-No longer working at Walmart and back at Marketlink. Again.
-Am single. Again. 
-Am up in the air about career choices. Again. 
-The situation with Chris and I has evolved. 

So. Walmart and I didn't work out. Obviously. The work in the back room was just way too much on my body. I hurt all over (more than I usually did) and I wasn't getting paid nearly enough to deal with it. On top of that, about two weeks into it, I hurt myself pretty bad. Gave myself an ugly back strain that is still bothering me. So I asked for my job back at Marketlink (and asked if I could be on days and part time) and as soon I got the OK from then, I quit at Walmart. I'm just not meant to work there. So now I'm back at ML doing the 9-3 shift. Which is WAY better than 12:30-9. I still don't like it but it's a job and I'm here for a little while at least.

Single. Yes, as in flying solo. Right before the trip to Louisiana, I confronted some feelings that I had been having about the whole thing and I broke it off with Peter. A) I wasn't ready for a relationship. B) I think he and I made better friends than partners. C) It just didn't feel right. It was hard, being the heart-breaker (when I'm usually on the other end); but in my opinion it's a lot easier than being the heart-broken. He and I haven't really talked since then so I assume that that ship has sailed. 

Career. Ugh. After my job shadowing, I decided that while I love the medical field I just don't think it's what I'm meant to do. I'm meant to help people in another way. I just haven't figured out what that way is. So I'm still working on paying my loans off and when the times comes that I can actually go back to school... I'll figure that out then. Maybe I'll just take a bunch of classes that sound cool. Or maybe by that time my life will have settled down and I'll get to do what I really want - be a mom.

Chris. Well. What started as an email for the purposes of RP has turned into a blossoming friendship again. We're both playing WoW again (we pulled the guild back together, recruited, and are raiding the new content, or trying to at least). We talk on a daily basis about pretty well everything - work, life, moving (he just got a new place in Michigan), everything. It's nice to have my best friend back in some capacity. He's even agreed to accept my Christmas present to him and come out in January for a few days. It's all very exciting and makes me happy. 

Also went to see Nine Inch Nails on Saturday night. I bought the ticket back in June as a birthday present to myself. This is pretty much what I have to say about it:
-NIN is FANTASTIC live. Whoever is their lighting and effects designer is a genius. 
-Reznor is still as sexy as ever.
-I made it to AND from the Cities without any issue (because we all know I'm directionally challenged).
-I managed to stay awake the entire drive home (extreme caffeine mocha and the The Producers soundtrack FTW). 

-I'm disappointed with NIN's song line up. They played two songs from The Fragile (my favourite album) and they didn't play Closer.
-Someone was smoking weed, a fuckton of it, and I swear I got a contact high.
-That was my last night wearing heels of any sort, as I fell not once, but twice walking from my car to the venue and then almost again once I was inside. As a result I have a twisted ankle, sprained wrist, scuffed up palms and [bruised] knees. I hurt like hell (and still do).
-I bought a seated ticket for a reason. So I could SIT and watch the concert, because I can't stand that long anymore. But everyone else wanted to stand. So I didn't actually -see- half the concert, just heard it. 

And so, my lovelies, that is pretty much all. I promise I will try to update this more. I PROMISE!